07 October 2011

{Meet} Hristina

Let's just say you won't find anyone like her. Let's just say her highly independent and opinionated character makes her one of a kind. This is Hristina.

When I ask her what degree she is earning in school she builds a jokingly smug pose with her head propped up in the air, slightly closed eyes and as she flapped her eye lashes she answered 'my Mrs. degree'. I told her that she can use this session as her portfolio to find the perfect 'job'. Then the conversation spiraled out of control and triggered many laughs. We had to find a way to keep warm in these cold fields and laughter was definitely it! 

found the perfect field and I could not leave until I took some photos here. Hrisitna was the star bloom among many beautiful flowers. I hope you enjoy!


Hristince, thank you for putting up with me and the cold, I had way too much fun with you!




  1. Great work Daniela! What a pretty location.

    Are you using a photo editing program? I feel like you'd like the creative options it gives you :)

  2. Thank you, Lisa. I like to stick to the most natural photo possible. Although I am still trying to narrow my style. I do use some basic tools. Do you recommend any particular programs?

  3. Sorry! Just saw this response....

    I agree, natural is best. I use Lightroom to edit and really love the program. It's not so much about putting an ugly "pre-set finish" on the photo, as it is about adjusting light balance, shadows, highlights, etc. You can also remove blemishes (which comes in really handy at times).

    They offer a 30 day trial for Lightroom if you ever wanted to test it out. But I'm sure you'll be happy without it too :)


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